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Knowing of our shared interest in a strong U.S.-Korea relationship and common concern for human rights, I am writing to update you on my work to encourage the Japanese government to properly address the issue of the "comfort women" and atone for these past transgressions.

As you know, during World War II, the Empire of Japan established "comfort stations" for their military personnel. This innocent-sounding term attempts to divert attention away from the fact that these "stations" were an institutionalized sexual slavery system in which thousands of young women from several countries suffered physical and sexual violence.

It is time for the Japanese government to make a full and formal apology for this systematic atrocity and to increase awareness of the history of "comfort women." That's why I pressed the House Appropriations Committee to include a provision in the Fiscal Year 2014 State and Foreign Operations package on this issue. Specifically, this funding package includes language urging the Secretary of State to encourage the Government of Japan to address the issue of women who were forced into sexual servitude during WWII. I believe this provision sends a powerful message to the government of Japan that it's time to face its history in order to move forward as a democracy.

I know firsthand that war brings out the most evil side of humanity, as millions of people from my faith died in the Holocaust. It is our sacred duty as the inheritors of these legacies to ensure that the accountable parties accept historical responsibility, so that such horrific crimes never occur again.

Last month, I had the pleasure of meeting with the recently-appointed Korean Ambassador to the United States, Ahn Ho-young, in Washington, D.C., where I reaffirmed my commitment to strengthening ties between the U.S. and Korea. Part of this work is ensuring that the victims and survivors of Japan's atrocities receive the justice they deserve. Please don't hesitate to contact my office on this, or any other federal issue.

Sincerely, Steve Israel Member of Congress

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